Qi Gong

with Hsuan

Qi (氣) means energy or life force. Gong (功) means the work, cultivation or practice.

Qi Gong (氣功) means the practice of energy.

Qi Gong works with the body (and the subtle energy of the body) through movements, breathing, and developing our embodied awareness. It is a form of meditation in movement, and a way of nurturing health holistically.

Qi Gong lessons with Hsuan:

Lessons are offered by Hsuan-Hsiu Hung from Taiwan, currently based in Estonia. She has learned Qi Gong from her teacher, Wu Chu-Lin, in Taiwan, and has been practising since 2005. She has been offering Qi Gong in retreat settings in Estonia since 2016 and weekly lessons in Tallinn since 2020.

The lessons are organised into courses (around 10 weeks). Each course focuses on learning a set of movements such as Lotus Qi Gong 蓮花養氣功, Eight Pieces of Silk Brocades 八段錦, Dao-In Health Qi Gong 導引保健功, Eighteen Forms of Yi Jin Jing 十八式易筋經,

Participants are invited to join an introductory course first to learn about Qi Gong and the key points for practice. The movements are taught gradually and progressively throughout the course. In each course, participants develop experiential knowledge of Qi Gong that serves as the foundation for the next one.

The courses aim to support participants in developing sustainable well-being over time. For example, to be more relaxed and aware of what is going on in oneself, and learn how to regulate and care for self (and others) through practice.

Hsuan’s lessons bring awareness to the interconnected relationship between mind, body and Qi (subtle energy of the body), and on this basis, facilitate movements that support holistic well-being.

What to expect in the course for beginners:

  • Learn about Qi Gong and how to practise Qi Gong

  • Guidance to bring attention to the body and Qi

  • Release tensions in the body and mind

  • Relaxation through movement practice

  • Sense Qi and develop awareness of Qi through bodily sensations

  • Work with and nurture Qi through simple movements

  • Strengthen energy centres; open up energy pathways in the body; develop flexibility and strength

  • Learn sets of movements for practising sustainably at home

  • Develop an experiential understanding of Qi Gong

What is offered for continuing students:

  • Foundational practice as a routine in each lesson to cultivate familiarity and stability

  • Introduction to a new set of Qi Gong movements and/or review and deepening of learned ones

  • Deepening the practice by refining the quality of awareness and strengthening the body in various movement forms

The practice is suitable for you…

  • If you are interested in developing awareness of the body and mind through movement (no previous experience is required)

  • If you would like to cultivate and nurture health holistically

  • If you are interested in Qi and how to work with Qi to develop well-being in the body and mind

  • If you would like to learn how to relax, develop physical strength and flexibility

  • If you are recovering from an injury or emotional pain and would like to heal in a gentle and sustainable way

  • If you would like to work with your mind and body together as movement meditation

  • If you are seeking a sustainable self-care method that can be practised in everyday life

Book a course or session